
Our Assisted Independent Living Program provides accommodations and supports to adults and seniors with acquired brain injury, mental health diagnoses, physical limitations, and medical health care needs.

At Era it is our goal to offer a living environment that will provide you with the services you need while supporting your independence, individuality, and personal preferences. We offer the ability to continue living independently even if help is needed with some activities of daily living.

Residents are encouraged to be as self-sufficient as possible, the program is designed so that the individual can choose to be involved with the staff as much or as little as they prefer. Era promotes to continue the pursuit of lifelong hobbies and interest, getting active in the community is often a very important piece to those people choosing to live in our residence.

How can I live at Era?

All resident referrals are made through the Fraser Health Authority. Eligibility is determined through the health authority Case Manager. Please contact your Case Manager to discuss your needs.

If you have not been assessed by the Fraser Health Authority and do not have a Case Manager, please contact Central Intake at 604-613-1873